
Master Naturalists volunteer over 25,000 hours of service each year to over 700 organizations across the state. Our impact is meaningful and measurable.

thumbnail of 2022 annual summary for illustration. Linked to pdf for download.
thumbnail of 2021 annual summary for illustration. Linked to pdf for download.
thumbnail of 2020 annual summary for illustration. Linked to pdf for download.
thumbnail of 2019 annual summary for illustration. Linked to pdf for download.
thumbnail of 2018 annual summary for illustration. Linked to pdf for download.
thumbnail of 2017 annual summary for illustration. Linked to pdf for download.
thumbnail of 2016 annual summary for illustration. Linked to pdf for download.

I've gotten to know so many wonderful people through this program. The Master Naturalist volunteers are the most giving people I've ever met. I feel like I've gained a new circle of wonderful friends and acquaintances who I see at volunteer events. The enthusiasm of new volunteers is inspiring.

Pat Trochlell

Master Naturalist Instructor

The Prairie Enthusiasts - Empire-Sauk Chapter