The Great Lakes are the largest freshwater hydrologic system on Earth and Wisconsin is bordered by two – Lake Superior and Lake Michigan. Curious to learn more about Wisconsin’s Great Lakes connections? This online Trek uses trails instead of book chapters to explore the following key concepts:
- Land Trail: The landscapes of Wisconsin’s Great Lakes basins are the results of both geologic and climatic forces, which have a tremendous influence on the water and life forms in the basins.
- Water Trail: The waters of Wisconsin’s Great Lakes have unique features and characteristics due to the vast sizes of the basins and shoreline and the sheer volume of water. These waters sustain plants, animals, and people in complex and vulnerable systems.
- Life Trail: The Great Lakes support a broad diversity of life and ecosystems, both on the land and in the water.
- People Trail: Humans are directly linked to the health of Wisconsin’s Great Lakes through positive and negative activities.
Ready to join this one-of-a-kind online learning adventure? Here’s what you’ll need after you register:
- A computer or tablet with a strong internet connection.
- At least eight hours to read, watch and interact with the online materials. (You can take breaks and resume at any time for a full year after you register!)
- Curiosity and a commitment to lifelong learning. The training materials are suitable for grades 9-12 and adults.